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8x8x10" tin and glass terrarium kit, tree and moss land


This is an 8x8x10" tin and glass terrarium building kit

What is included: 

1. a 8x8x10" glass and tin terrarium

2  Black tree stump shape cement planter: 8cm x 9cm width, 12cm tall

3  Terrarium soil: small lava, sphagnum, small porous soil rock

4  Black sand

5  Dry moss

Please note: fittonia is not included. Please choose your favorite small plants. I planted a fittonia tree in the irregular terrarium, but it turned out too narrow for fittonia, so I prefer this one.  

I highly recommend peacock fern, for it will spread its roots down and make it really like a rainforest. 

The LED lights are sold separately in my shop. There is a listing for the terrarium only. 

Terrarium detail: 

1  It has a lid on the top. It is made of tin and glass, suitable for moss and small tropical plants.

2  It has a strong hinge. It can hold itself when open. I do not add any latch because its weight will make it close firmly.

3  Please note: The glass terrarium does not leak but is unsuitable for holding water.

4  The hinge is strong. It does not need any support when open.

5  Material: Glass, tin

6  Dimensions: length x width x height (You can always ask a custom-made size)

8x8x10 inches / 20.3x20.3x25.4 CM

8x8x10" tin and glass terrarium kit, tree and moss land My cart

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