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Rainforest terrarium Building DIY Set: Live Moss Wall Iregular Terrarium Building Kit with matching LED Grow Light and Base


This is a DIY kit. You will get everything you need to replicate this terrarium but the small fern.  I make this listing for people who want my rainforest moss wall terrarium.

Please note: you need to build the terrarium yourself.  I do not sell live plants so you need to prepare the small plants: maiden hair fern and fittonia, they are popular small plants in the market. If you use alternatives, please make sure they do not have strong roots. 

There is a full DIY video in my youtube to do show you how to do it. 


What the terrarium kit includes: 

A tin and glass close terrarium, as the photos show size20*17.5*25 cm (height) / 8x7x9.8inches
a bag of 5-8mm red lava rock: 320g
a bag of sphagna (or dry moss) , 30g
a bag of Natural small diatomite rocks, 200g
a bag of red clay: 550g
5-8cm drilled lava rock, 2 piece
5-8cm lava rock 1 piece
dry Leucobryum moss 20 cm x 30cm
a bottle of 50ml instant aquascape glue

The dry Leucobryum moss needs to be sinked in water for 10-15 minutes. Then it will become green, soft and loose and you can use them. 

Please check this link for how dry Leucobryum moss look like and how to moist it:


There are another two options: 

terrarium with warm white light LED set: terrarium + 5W USB black warm white grow light with 8" acrylic board set 

terrarium with white light LED SET: terrarium + 10W USB white grow light with  square / round  natural bamboo board set

The terrarium, light, and planting material all have listings on my website. You can buy any of them separately.  

Rainforest terrarium Building DIY Set: Live Moss Wall Iregular Terrarium Building Kit with matching LED Grow Light and Base My cart

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